Friday, November 26, 2010

My Life’s Inspiration

So many times in the past few weeks, I have received messages from those calling me an inspiration.  I don’t fully understand those comments, and I am humbled by them daily.  I did not set out on my journey to be an inspiration to anyone.  I simply have set out to find myself and begin to live MY LIFE the way I was intended.  Webster defines inspiration as “an inspiring influence; any stimulus to creative thought or action”.  I have been inspired by many in my life, and would never consider myself an inspiration to anyone. 

Early on in life I was inspired by my paternal grandfather to become an educator.  Following that dream I have been teaching for 18 years and am fulfilled as I watch young people learn daily.  My grandfather’s influence was a pure example of the definition of inspiration.  His reputation as an educator along with his compassion as a Southern Baptist Minister gave roots to my lifelong dreams.  I have always wanted to be a teacher and have never wavered in any other direction.  Staying the course, I have been in the classroom for 18 years and plan to be for many more.  His compassion for the human spirit inspired me to be the best person I can.  I try to be kind, caring, and compassionate toward every person.  As has been evidenced in earlier writings, this is not always easy.  But I believe in loving the person, despising the action, and praying for those who need guidance.  These are true lessons of inspiration learned from my grandfather.  Although he has been gone for many years his life serves as the base of my life’s inspiration.
Another early inspiration has been my maternal grandmother.  This woman is a true inspiration to anyone who is fortunate enough to sit in her presence.  She has a broad base of knowledge and experience spanning all of her ninety-one years.  She has raised seven children of her own, along with assisting in the rearing of countless others.  She has been a role model of strength and conviction to her family and friends for years.  She is one of the most positive and unwavering confidents ever met.  She has an ear that discerns pain in one’s voice, and a genuine knack for getting the root of any issue.  Her heart of gold breaks for those who suffer and cheers in times of triumph.  She can be someone’s biggest fan, or their true voice of reason when necessary.  Her desire to see the best in people has always driven me to look for the good in a person and pray for those who seem set in the negative.  These are more lessons that have formed the base of my life’s inspiration.
My parents serve as yet another area of inspiration.  They have had their ups and downs in life, but have always risen above.  They raised two children to be the best they can.  We did not grow up with money, but we rarely wanted for much.  They always went above and beyond the call of duty to see that we had what we needed and were well taken care of.  To this day they still put family first and do for their children and grandchildren to see that everyone is  well taken care of and happy.  Their continual drive to push for each of us to be successful in our endeavors has been a true inspiration.  They only want the best for everyone, and that has pushed us to want the best for ourselves.  This is yet another area forming the base of my life’s inspiration.
I am inspired daily by those around me.  To see my friends and acquaintances pushing themselves to achieve their life’s ambitions inspires me to continue on my path to be the best I can be.  Watching those who continue on in spite of their daily struggles pushes me to fully be myself.  In spite of the negative comments and the daily struggles thrown at me, I look to my inspirations and pull myself out of the downward spiral and climb back to my path.  To have someone call me an inspiration has never been a goal, or a desire of mine.  However, if someone finds inspiration from my life and my attitude for being ME, then I must give the credit to those who inspired me to be ME.  Without the base of my life’s inspiration I would not be who I am and would not be able to make the daily journey I am on to be the BEST ME I can be.  I can never thank those who have inspired me enough, but I can try by being ME and making them proud.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Phil...I'm not sure how it is that you simply don't see the inspiration you are to me and many others. I continue to be amazed at your strength and willingness to push on through the hard times and the loneliness; this is something I struggled with for years. The being alone. I didn't know how to do it, and it was a tough thing to learn. I am awed by your ability to be able to pray for those who are full of hate and seem hell bent on bringing you down to their level. You inspire children in a way that not all teachers can, or do...you make learners out of those who don't want to learn and you inspire many of them to be better people. All of my children are better for having had the opportunity to be taught by you...but they are also better people for having the opportunity to know you and be your friend. "I" am better for having the opportunity to be your friend.
Amazed and awed and INSPIRED by you always, love, Kristin