Friday, November 19, 2010


Cannot even explain the feeling that this laughter is bringing me.  Sitting with family, talking about random topics, laughing at one another and the total randomness of the night.  From the 2 hour drive with granny, to listening to sister reading status updates from "Status Shuffle", these are the things that make me slow down and think about the good times in life.  My life is so blessed and full of great moments, memories, family, and friends. 

Although this week has been one filled with harsh words, vile comments, and outright hate; taking this moment to just relax and enjoy.  I am so fortunate to have such an understanding family.  We can sit and laugh at ANYTHING, ANYONE, about ANY TOPIC, for long periods of time.  This proves that "laughter IS the BEST medicine".  Actually it is pretty good medicine, but spending time with those who love you unconditionally is better medicine.  Knowing that you can be free to be yourself and not have to stifle your comments or actions, makes these times so valuable. 

Valuable times with the most valuable people in my life are the best times and best medicine to cure the heartache caused by a week full of hate and vile attacks.  I am fortunate and blessed to be surrounded by the family and friends that I am on a daily basis.  My wish for everyone one is the same.  I wish everyone could experience the joy and uplifting love that I have this week.  When I was down and feeling like nothing could make me smile, my FRIENDS and FAMILY came through to push me out of my slump and make me smile and laugh. 

I wish you all joy, happiness, and good people to pull you through when life has you down.


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