Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Each of us goes through a period of enlightenment a few times in our lives.  These times are periods when we come to some realization about our lives, ourselves, and/or those around us.  Along with the obvious period of enlightenment in my life, I have also had a “minor” enlightenment period recently.  I have recently come to realize something that I have known to be true for years, but just now have started to take more seriously, and sometimes more personally.  This is the realization that there are those among us who want us to believe they are true to us.  They want us to believe them to be our friends, so that they can “infiltrate” our lives and look for the perfect opportunity to strike, and bring us tumbling down.  I call these creatures “Fake Friends”.  They will be so kind and supportive to your face and be a part of the group when you hang out for good fellowship times.  Then, when you least expect it, they STRIKE!  They wait until you are most vulnerable and weakest and they move in for “the kill”. 
These Fake Friends are the most vile and hurtful creatures on the planet.  I can handle knowing my enemies are out there trying daily to discover ways to destroy me.  That is an expected part of life.  How sad it is that this new era of falsehood also must become an expected part of life.  It is one thing to “know” you have to be on constant look-out for your enemies to “attack”, but it is another to have to be aware that someone in your group of “friends” is also looking for the perfect time to bring you down.  These fake friends make their attempts by trying to undermine you with other friends, by trying to destroy your reputation with those you are close to, or by secretly commenting to others in a negative way behind your back.  They make it their business to try to bring you down because they don’t agree with your every move.  Obviously no one is going to agree with every move their “friends” make, and especially not every move I make.  I know that I am making life changes that not everyone agrees with.  I do not ask anyone to agree with my life, I do not ask anyone to accept my lifestyle.  All I ask is that people accept me for the person I am.  In doing so I ask that you take the things you do not like or agree with, and keep them to yourself, if you can’t speak to me about them.  Please do not make random phone calls, send text messages, or try to slander me to those closest to me.  If you do not agree with my actions, that is your prerogative, but to pretend to be a friend and then turn around and try to bring my life crumbling down just makes you FAKE.  I have hundreds of “friends”, few are the TRUE FRIENDS that make life worth living, but most are REAL FRIENDS who make life fun and enjoyable.  Then there is those who are FAKE FRIENDS whose lives must be so boring and meaningless that they have to go around and try to destroy others to give themselves any once of happiness.  I feel sorry for those creatures who must live their lives this way.  It is sad in today’s world where there is so much hate and anger, that you have to watch your back because you have “friends” who are more shady and devious than most enemies you will ever encounter.  So I ask you, my friends, what kind of friend are you?  Where do you sit in your group of friends?  Are you a TRUE FRIEND, a REAL FRIEND, or are you the FAKE FRIEND in your group?  Your friends will know who you are soon enough, and when they do I wonder  what that day will be like for you.  I know it will be a day of celebration for my TRUE and REAL friends.  I will look forward to the day when the “enemy” is the only one to look out for, because the “FAKE FRIENDS” will be considered with that group of creatures and not be classified as any sort of friend at all.

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