Wednesday, November 17, 2010


So today’s blog will be short and to the point.  If you are a friend on facebook then you have probably seen the following.  It is my status from last night, Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 8:14pm. 

“Cold rainy days lead to cold rainy nights. Makes for great time to cuddle up on the couch, or sit alone with your writing. :-) Entry #6 published. Enjoy! LOVES”
I figured to get a comment or two, but nothing like the firestorm that followed.  All of it stemming from one extremely IGNORANT comment.  A “friend” posted the following comment as a reply to my status.  Although not a direct response to anything from the status itself, I assume it is in response to my reference to this blog. 
Her comment was this . . . “Wow ur a faggot?”
YES!  You read that correctly.  Unfortunately, this is the type of response I expected.  Fortunately, this is the first I have had directed at me in such a personally attacking form.  I have to admit, my heart winced in  pain at the first reading, but then I read the supportive comments that followed. In reading those posts I realized once again how valuable my TRUE friends are.  I also realized how my friends have my back.  Support is above all else the one thing that has gotten me through the struggles of being an “out and about” gay man. 
So to answer your question – YES!  I am a proud homosexual man, who has some of the kindest hearted, most supportive and encouraging friends and family. 
Now I will ask a question of my own.  Are you really that ignorant?  Let me answer that one too.  Yes! You are so ignorant as to post such vile and hurtful words in a public forum, and not realize the firestorm that would follow.  I hope you never have to deal with this type of hate and ignorance in anything that you do, because there are young people who deal with comments like yours by hurting themselves and committing suicide.  Young people with promising futures so destroyed by HATE that they see no reason to live.  This is not acceptable and it is not something that I can let go.  I am making it my goal to keep spreading the air of hope that no matter who or what you are, no matter your race, creed, religion, or sexual orientation YOU ARE A PERSON!!  So, my friend, although you are ignorant I still love you, because you are a person, and you still deserve to be loved.  I only wish you could share the love you receive.

This is a message I sent to the person who posted the negative comment.  I sent this after she chose to "unfriend" me on facebook.  I had no intention of removing her, but she obviously could not handle truth and reality.

I am sorry that you felt that you needed to unfriend me after your harsh comment on my status.  I want you to know that I was not angered by it at all.  Not nearly as affected by it as my friends were/are.  It did inspire me to continue to fight the fight that I do daily.  Not for myself, but for the young people who are killing themselves because of unkind and harsh words thrown at them daily.  It is amazing to me that I have not had a negative slur thrown at me until now.  I would still consider you a friend.  Just an uninfomed friend.
May god bless you, the way he does me daily.


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