Sunday, November 14, 2010


A few months back I set out on a journey of unexpected and uncharted territory in my life.  I have found on this journey that there are many ups and downs (which I totally expected).  I have also found that, along with the self-discovery and vulnerability, I am becoming a stronger person daily.  I have discovered that I have MORE support and encouragement than I ever thought possible.  My wonderful family has proven once again that they are always there for me, and will never leave my side or turn away from me.  OLD friends have returned to my life and are so supportive and encouraging of my new life journey.  NEW friends have come into my life at just the right time to keep me sane, and show me true understanding and compassion. 

This journey has been very enlightening so far, and this is only the beginning.  As I continue to explore my new life, my new world, and my new home, I am blessed to know that those whom I love will always have my back.  When I stumble on one of the obstacles along the way, there is always someone there picking me up, dusting me off, and sending me back on my way. 

I have learned in this new life as in my previous life that trust, reliability, dependability, respect, and honesty are hard to find.  Just when you think you have come across these characteristics you find your heart discouraged by the falsification of character.  I know that is how it goes, and that it is to be expected, and I become stronger each time I stumble across one that is fake and dishonest. 

I have also learned what I have always known to be true.  Small town gossip is so mean and spiteful.  I feel truly sorry for those who have nothing better to do with their lives than to attempt to destroy someone else’s.  Those are the people who give small towns a bad name, and they are the ones who will never know the meaning of TRUE FRIENDSHIP, because they only want people to be friendly to them.  They do not want to be friendly to others.

I want to thank my family, and all of my TRUE REAL FRIENDS for all of your love and support.  I know who is genuine and true, and I know those who only go through the motions to try to make me feel good.  Well, that is not necessary.  If you can not love me for ME, and be my friend no matter what my life leads me to, then there is no need for you to even pretend to be a friend, just move on and leave space for another in my life because I have no room for you.

LOVE TO ALL MY FAMILY and MY TRUE REAL FRIENDS.  You all know who you are.

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