Thursday, November 18, 2010

Where Did They Come From? How Long Will They Stay?

Many people come into our lives.  Some come in and stay for only a little while, while others come and stay forever.  As I think about those who have come in and out of my life, I think to myself . . . “Where did they come from?”  Some are obvious while others take a great deal more thought, and others bring about the question “Why?”  Why did they come into my life, and what is our purpose for sharing time with one another.
These are just some of my Random thoughts about people who have come into and , in some cases, gone from my  life.  I attach no names and few identifying labels, so people may or may not be able to determine what is written about them.  Unlike other posts, where my mention of some people is obvious, this entry will be a bit more “discrete”.  Not that I am trying to hide anything, because this blog is obviously about being open and sharing truthfully.  I simply want to try to allow those who are written about the opportunity to read and go through some of the same thought processes as I did while putting the information together.  Of course, some of the information and descriptors will be obvious because there is just no way to make them less identifiable.  This being said, here we go!
First of all let’s discuss those who have come into my life to stay forever.  These people are in my life without much of a choice.  They are family.  I was born into the lives of great parents and loving grandparents.  I have many supportive aunts, uncles, and cousins.  I shared my childhood with a great sister, who has brought a beautiful niece and two wonderful nephews into my life.  As life moved forward I was blessed with my wonderful twin sons.  Each of these people, like it or not, are a part of my life to the end of time.  We are family and , no matter what differences we may encounter, we are permanently bound by the blood in our veins and the love of family in our hearts.  There is no questioning why they are in my life, because we were all born into this family through the blessing of a higher being in GOD above.
Next I shall discuss those who have come into my life to stay for a long period of time, but could leave at any moment.  They have chosen to be a part of my life at some point, and have hung on this long.  These friends came in at a variety of different times, through a variety of different circumstances, but they all arrived at the same place – the door to my heart.  I will be the first to admit I am an emotional being.  I take my friends in and hold them dear till they choose to move on.  Rarely do I ever cut a friend loose without it being their decision to withdraw from my life themselves.  My truest friends are those whom I have stumbled across by some circumstance that drew us together and has bound us to one another for a long time.  As I recall the first time I met many of by closest friends I am amazed at how we came to be close, and for some that we have been able to remain so close.  If you are one of these friends, you know what I am talking about when I say it is hard to believe some of us have made it this long, but if we have made it this far surely we can make it FOREVER!
New friends are those who have come into my life at this time of renewal.  They are ALL friends whom I would love to keep forever, but only time will tell.  These friends have come along and saved me from the boredom, loneliness, and regret that tend to sneak up behind me when I sit alone.  The phone will chime, the door will shake, or the messages come in as if they know exactly when they are needed.  They may be “new” friends, but they have the characteristics of those who have been in my life for a while.  That is, they all know when I need them, or at least need to hear from someone. These friends have yet to determine the length of time they will be in my life, but they are here now, and that matters so much.  Knowing that new friends can still come in and be a part of life is a wonderful feeling.
I have also come across many “short term” friends.  Friends who came into my life for whatever reason, by whatever circumstance, and then chose to leave the friendship for some reason or other.  Whether it was because of a disagreement, a misunderstanding, or some other situation that brought an end to our time together, these friendships came to an end.  I can count on one hand the number of friends whom I personally have “cut” from my life.  Those people were cut for reasons very obvious to them, and the decisions to eliminate any contact with them were difficult.  Add one more cut within the past two days.  There is no room in my life, in MY WORLD, for hate and ignorance.  Those are the people who I do not have time for.  Those who condemn and judge as if they are without fault or flaw are the ones who make it easy to cut them from my life.  I always dig deeply as I deliberate the cut, but ultimately I find it difficult to condone their actions and ignorance.  It is hate and ignorance that cause people to make vile and judgmental comments that cut deep enough to hurt those at the receiving end of those insults.  I can’t tolerate those people in my life.  I am taking a stand to fight the ignorance and hate that lead to people causing themselves harm.  It is intolerable.
Wow, that took a different turn at the end that intended, but I will go with it.  Many people come into our lives, and some leave just as quickly.  Friends are GOD’s gifts to each of us.  I strive to be the best friend I can, but I admit I am difficult and hard to tolerate at times.  I have come to a point in my life where I will not put up with negativity, prejudice, or belittling behaviors from anyone.  If you are a “friend”, then you know how my “filter” operates.  If you can’t handle it, then you know what you can do.  I will never leave my REAL FRIENDS.  We may have disagreements, but we are still here for one another when needed.  As I have stated many times the past week.  MY CUP RUNNETH OVER!!  I am truly blessed and I pray for these same blessings of friendship to be bestowed upon all whom I come into contact with.


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