Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It’s Just Cake!

Wow! I am really finding being a single man to be very interesting.  I am sure it is the same for single straights as well, but this is very frustrating.  I am finding dating to be difficult.  Not that it is difficult to find a date (not bragging, just saying), but that people can’t look at it as “just a date”.  The same way people can’t find it in themselves to believe the words “just friends”.  There are days when I want to throw my hands up, crawl into a shell and just be a hermit the rest of my life.  It seems that might be easier than trying to date someone and “just date” for a while before becoming a “couple”. 

I have been on a few dates lately.  Nice dates with really nice guys whom I would not mind seeing again sometime.  Instantly people find out you have gone on a date and they are picking out housewarming gifts, and china patterns.  Really?  That is not what I am looking for right now.  I am just getting a feel for this life and “dating around”, enjoying life and hoping to someday (long down the road) finding someone to spend exclusive time with.  Until then, they are just dates.  Go out to dinner, grab a drink, talk, and get acquainted.  That is all I am looking for and all I want to do right now, just go out, hang out, with good guys who could become good friends.

Speaking of friends, can we not have people in our lives who are “just friends”?  And it is not always others who take it and interpret the intentions wrongly.  You know,  you go to dinner with a friend, you go get ice cream, you ask them sometime if they want to do something and you are ignored for DAYS, maybe weeks?  I am not asking you to have cake because I want to get in your pants. I am not asking you to go get ice cream because I want to marry you.  I am asking you because I consider you a friend, we are both here, and maybe we both like cake or ice cream.  Then there is the “just friends” friend whom everyone else assumes is “the friend”.  They always ask, “so how is ‘your friend’?” and “what is ‘your friend’ doing tonight?”  I always say, “which friend? I have many.”  Yes there are some friends I am closer to than others, the ones that I spend a majority of my time with, but that does not make us a couple.  It just makes us close friends, good friends, even BEST FRIENDS, but does not mean we are “together”. 

Sorry just something that I had to get off my chest this week.  Sometimes I wonder when this will make sense to me and get easier.  Then I realize it probably never will, and it is all part of this wonderful journey we call life.  Until I have it partially figured out, I will continue to be me, and have the friends I have.  I will just have to make sure that everyone realizes, IT’S JUST CAKE, NOT A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL!

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