Friday, December 24, 2010


I have many blessings to be thankful for this Christmas.  Instead of sending out a wish for myself, I will send out a wish for all of my wonderful family and friends.  For those of you who have stood by me with support and encouragement throughout this very interesting year, I wish you peace, happiness, and contentment for the coming year.  I have begun a journey that I am excited to take into the new year, and I look forward to continuing it with the support and encouragement of those I love most.  Each of my family members have been special gifts to me this year.  On top of that, I have the BEST friends that any man, gay or straight, could ever ask for.  You have all been so accepting and supportive during some of my darkest periods.  You have lifted me to rise above the hate and condemnation of those who are not worth giving the time of day.  You have continually encouraged me to continue my journey of discovering ME.  I am finally living MY life and being the REAL ME, and I owe it to my wonderfully supportive friends and family.

I am amazed, almost daily, to find support coming from areas I never would have imagined, from people whom I didn't know even knoew I existed.  These people have become some of the best friends I have now, and they are continually giving me the extra push to make it through the rough patches of my life.

As I sit here tonight, on my first Christmas Eve in the city, I am overcome with a feeling of contentment and peace because of the wonderful blessings that have been bestowed upon me this past year.  There is no greater blessing than the love and suport of ones family and friends during life's struggles.  Well, I am not struggling with life anymore, because I have found the blessings that God has offered me, and I stand on the support of each of you as I continue the adventure ahead.

Merry Christmas to one and all.  May God bless you each this Christmas season with that which will guide you through the coming new year, as he has me.


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