Saturday, January 1, 2011


This year I will not make resolutions for the new year, instead the following are my Resolutions for a New Life. So many of us make the annual resolution, only to find ourselves breaking it very early on in the year, and having no success to look forward to by the end of the year. If we focus on those unsuccessful resolutions we end up frustrated and angry at ourselves, or at least disappointed. For this reason, I have decided to make a few resolutions that I will aim toward not only this coming year , but throughout the rest of my life.

1 - I resolve that I will no longer be the “sidewalk friend”. I will not be the friend that others can walk all over and disregard when they have no use for me. I will not be the one who is always there for others, only to have them forget I exist when I am in need. Those who have gotten used to treating me this way, you will notice the change, because it will be obvious.

2 - I resolve that I will no longer be the friend of “convenience”. I will not be the one who is only asked to do things when it is convenient for others to have me around. I will not be the one who is always available at the last possible minute when all other options have been exhausted, and I am all that remains. Most of those who fit into this category, have already been eliminated from my life, and others who make me feel this way will be turned away immediately.

3 - I resolve to do more for me for a change than for others. This may sound selfish, but I have always been the kind of person who does for others without asking for anything. I have always been the friend who is there, the acquaintance you can count on for support, and the person who blindly gives change to the beggar on the street. This ends now. I will make my own way, and will not ask for your help. If you don’t know when help is needed without being asked, you are not much of a friend. I will still be here for those who need me, but I will not sacrifice myself and my life for you anymore.

4 - I resolve to continue this wonderful journey I am on with or without the support of family and friends. I am who I am, and I will not change for anyone again. I admit the majority of my family and REAL Friends have been nothing but supportive and encouraging as this journey began, but there are those who privately scoff and even those who publicly condemn. I do not care your thoughts anymore. I KNOW who I am, I am happy and proud of who I am, and I am ready to live MY LIFE as ME.

5 - Lastly, and most importantly, I resolve to be the best father I can be. Everything else in this world means nothing, compared to my children. They are my life, and I will do everything in my power to see that they have the best life they can have. I may not be rich or famous. I may not live in a fancy house or drive a fancy car. I may be gay, but I am a father. I am going to make sure that I am the best father I can be to my children, and they will know that they are loved daily!!

I have not made resolutions for a new year, I have made RESOLUTIONS FOR MY NEW LIFE!

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