Thursday, March 24, 2011


So, most of you have read about how My Guy and I met.  As I look back on that moment, and the many moments we have had since that day, I come to the thought that he is THE ONE!  Yes, there are those who say it has happened to fast, or the age difference is too much.

To all the "Nay" sayers, I politely disregard your scoffs at the suddeness of the relationship, I laugh at those who suggest that the age difference is too great.  Love does not discriminate based on race or sex, and it does not discriminate based on the speed of a realtionship or on the age difference between partners.  We did not set out to find one another the night we met, nor did we seek to jump into am immediate relationship.  These things happened, and for whatever reason they happened to us.

How do you know when you have met 'THE ONE"?  That question remains without definite answer, but I can tell you that this is like nothing I have ever felt before.  The time we spend together is filled with love and happiness.  We laugh together, we cry together, and we make decisions together.  We have discussed the future, and what we envision it holding for us. 

After much discussion and many long conversations, came the night of "THE RING".  We were sitting waiting on dinner one evening recently, when the moment arrived.  He took my hand, placed something into the palm and closed my fist around it.  Upon opening my fist, I found an amazing ring that he then placed on my finger.  Tears of joy and beaming smiles followed, and the happiness continues.

Yes, I have found "THE ONE", or he has found me.  It does not matter how you say it, what the reason for our meeting, or what the "nay" sayers believe.  This is real, and the happiness cannot be stifled.  I am happy, he is happy, and WE are committed!

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