Tuesday, June 25, 2013


On this eve of the final day of the SCOTUS (Supreme Court Of The United States) session, I am filled with cautious optimism and anxiety.  Not because I expect any wide sweeping rulings on behalf of equality, but because any step toward equality through rulings on these two cases is a positive step for equality for all.  California's Prop 8 and U.S. DOMA are both landmark cases for even being heard by the justices.  Now we await the 9 opinions that (at this time) matter most.  

The justices of the court will rule based on their "interpretations" of the US Constitution and the constitutionality of the cases before them.  The LGBT community knows what we hope to see from the justices, and we might even have a pretty accurate prediction of what the outcome will be.  However; to say our fate lies in the hands of these 9 justices, is not accurate.  It fate lies in the determination we have as a community to stand up for one another and continue to push the envelope until equality is something text books define as the "equal treatment of ALL citizens despite any difference in creed, race, religion, or orientation.  

 12 year old son shared on his Instagram 
As we await the "rulings" from SCOTUS, let us join together all LGBT allies, and pledged to continue to stand for equality for all.  Many in the LGBT community have asked continually for supporters to "turn it red" by changing social media profile pictures and posting photos of support.  That is a great way to show support and "unity", but where are our "straight allies"?  Where do they stand in this historical time in history?  Unity means that we stand together with our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and straight brothers and sisters.  We can be the change we want to see in the world, if we stand TOGETHER to make the change happen.

No, tomorrow may not be the outcome we hope for, but this battle has changed public opinion and increased support for equality for all.  We must not celebrate too much or cry to loudly once the rulings are handed down tomorrow morning. We must instead continue to rise up and rise above.  We must continue to be who we are, love who we choose, and be faithful to the cause of equality for everyone, not just our LGBT community, our particular race, or our chosen religion.  We must stand on the right side of history when the final tide turns and we are all determined to be equal, not only in vision, but also through law! 

"And a certificate on paper
Isn't gonna solve it all
But it's a damn good place to start
No law's gonna change us
We have to change us
Whatever god you believe in
We come from the same one
Strip away the fear
Underneath it's all the same love
About time that we raised up"



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